To Drive or Not to Drive

The chemo is having side effects for my father. One if the side effects is impacting the nerves in his foot. This means he sometimes cannot feel his feet. The doctors are trying to modify his chemo medicine to minimize the side effects. Meanwhile my dad walks with a limp and uses a cane to help with his balance.

He was recently involved in a car accident. While at a stop light my dad took his foot off the brake and put it on the accelerator. He slammed in the back of the car in front of him. His car is totaled and the air bag was ignited. The car in front of him had minimal damage. The impact of the airbag either broke or cracked my fathers ribs. Needless to say the doctors told my father he can no longer drive.

I agree that my dad should not drive until they are able to get the feeling in his foot back. I’m just grateful that the accident wasn’t worse and that my father is ok. I do need to see when I can visit him again. It is tough since I recently started a new job and the holiday season is approaching. Luckily I have sisters and one of them is going to see him in a few weeks.

Thank you for those of you that have been praying for my father. The latest report is that the tumor had not shrunk but it has not grown either.

My dad remains light hearted. He sent me an email and said he feels ok and it only hurts when he coughs, sneezes, laughs, breaths, stands up, or sits down! 😊

Think shrink!

Think Shrink!

Today is the 2nd round of chemo for my dad. I texted my stepmom (my dad refuses to text) and told her think shrink! She got a kick out of that!

I’m so proud of my dad for being so strong and positive as he powers through this obstacle. He is an inspiration to me that no matter what happens you can make the best of it! I hope and pray that as life continues to throw out obstacles (because it will) that I can remember his example.

I find comfort in his grace when I start to feel sad. I’m not perfect but I am a work in progress.

#thinkshrink #pancreaticcancer #cancersucks #noonefightsalone